RGB Schemes | October 25, 2019 | News
Major 2019 Updates
After over a year of no updates, we’re finally ready to do a big push for a new product we’re launching today! Without further ado, let’s dive into what’s been going on for the past year!
New Tool for Sale
Previously, we had done several blog posts about how to create great virtual hands in virtual reality using Oculus Touch controllers. However, as Oculus updated their SDKs, these tools would break during each upgrade due to how we built them. We’d wanted to go through and redo them for quite some time, as our next title will make heavy use of them. However, we also wanted to share these tools we’ve been building with the world, which can be quite expensive for us to continue to maintain. To that end, we’ve decided to put these tools up on the Unity Asset Store, in order to recoup our costs on developing these. Excitingly, we actually have a brand new tool we want to share today!
RGB Haptics
RGB Haptics is our latest tool we’ve been working on! We’re big fans of great haptic feedback in video games, and with the Nintendo Switch in 2017, we became very inspired to create better haptics in our virtual reality games. Interestly, the Nintendo Switch and first generation Oculus Touch controllers have the exact same haptic hardware! This made us curious why so many games lack great haptics, and we came to a simple conclusion: The APIs for using haptics in virtual reality are not too great! This is mainly due to how complicated it can be to add haptic feedback with different patterns, as well as how hard it can be to trigger haptic feedback. Thus, we decided to build a system based on treating haptic feedback as an audio wave. The results have been fantastic:
As a result, we’ve also decided to put this up for sale on the Unity Asset Store today. We have a demo for these tools available for the Oculus Quest to show off these tools (a PC version can be found from here). We highly recommend trying a demo, as it’s very hard to convey how different haptics make an experience through video or audio. These tools are compatible with all major virtual reality platforms, as well as compatible with all of Unity’s XR platforms and do not require any special hardware to use! You can view a tutorial on this in another recent blog post.
Discord Channel
We’ve setup an official Discord channel! You can join it here and chime in on each of our channels! As we announce new games and projects, we’ll slowly begin to add more channels to it, but if you have suggestions, please feel free to request them! We’ll also be offering support to our various projects here, so if you have questions about our haptics tools, please feel free to ask them there too!
Website Refresh
We’ve also been busy working on updating our website! You may have noticed this recently, and we’re very excited to say that the majority of these changes are now completed! This has allowed us to reduce our infrastructure costs by nearly 90%, which will help us to put our time and money into better content going forward. It might not seem exciting, but this really is a big deal to us. If you notice bugs however, please feel free to use the contact form to reach out to us and report them.
New Games
We’re currently in the process of developing not one, but two new games! Project Chimaera and Project Polyjuice are the codenames to our two upcoming game projects that we cannot wait to share with the world! More information will be available at a later date (along with official titles), so please keep an eye out for that in 2020. We think people will really like both of these titles, and are excited to push the boundaries of what virtual reality has to offer.